The professor of department of теплофізики and applied ecology Якуб Л.М. participated in work of 12-ї of the International conference “Cryocrystals and quantum crystals” Poland, Wroclaw/of Воянов, on August, 26 – 31 in 2018 She came forward with a lecture on a theme “Thermodynamics properties of CH4, CCl4 and CF4 on the line of melting. Theory and computer design”.
A conference was organized by Institute of subzero temperatures and structural researches of Polish Academy of sciences, chairman of проф. А. Єжовський. By the mestome of realization of conference the lock of 16 century of Воянов was select. In-process the prominent scientists of W participated to the conference. Nellis, Isaac Silvera (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA), Ho – Kwang Mao, A.F. Goncharov (Geophysical Lab. Garnegie Institute, Washington, USA) et al. Complete information about the program of conference can be found on her web-site