Disciplines : ” Drainage at industrial enterprises “, ” Processes and apparatus of environmental protection “, ” Theory and calculation of thermophysical properties of substances “, ” Thermophysical bases of processes and apparatus of environmental protection “, ” Technology of major industries “,” Physicochemical Foundations of Environmental Technologies “
Lines and the results of the professional activities of persons by specialty, which applies to the recognition of a qualification appropriate to the specialty
(level of scientific and professional activity of scientific and pedagogical worker)
for 2018 over the past 5 years
No. | Metric name | Activity level |
1 | presence for the past five years of research papers in the periodic publications , are included to scientometric databases , recommended by Ministry of Education, including Scopus or Web of science Core Collection | 1. Yakub LN, Bodiul OS Melting Line Parameters and Thermodynamic Properties of Methane at High Presresres ., Journal of Low Temperature Physics . – 2017. – Vol.187, №1. – P.33-42, ( edition registered sciences metric based data Scopus) 2. Yakub , LN Polymerization in Highly Compressed Nitrogen (Review Article ) Low Temperature PhysicsТ.42, №1, 2016, 3 -22. ( Publication registered sciences metric based data Scopus) 3. Yakub , LN Phase diagram of polymerizing nitrogen “Low Temperature Physics”, vol.41, number 6, 2015, rr.576-581. (. ( Publication registered sciences metric based data Scopus) 4. Yakub , LN Theoretical Equation of State for Highly Anharmonic Solids of International Journal Thermophysics . Volume 35, Issue 9-10, 2014, pp. 1957-1965. (. ( publication registered sciences metric based data Scopus) |
2 | presence of not less than five scientific publications in scientific journals , included into the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine | 1 .. Yakub , LN, Bodiul , O. S.Low -temperature equation of state of solid methane, refrigeration equipment and technology .- 2016 – Vol 52 . – №1. – S. 80-85. 2. Jakub L.M.Rivnyannya state and properties fullerites C60. Hall. tech. and tech. – 2015. T.51. – Vol. 1 S.69-75. 3. Jakub L.M.Uravnenye STATUS and thermodynamic properties of nitrogen in the field polimerno эkstremalnыh strangled. Tech . Haz » .- 2015.- №4.-C . 28 – 34, 4. Yakub , LN, Bodiul , O Thermodynamic properties of CH4, CCl4 and CF4 on the melting line. Theory and computer simulation, Physics series of temperatures . vol . , No. 4, 2019, pp . 5.Yakub L.M. Bodul OS Teoretycheskoe equation STATUS zhydkoho methane , refrigeration equipment and technology .- 2018. – T. 54. – №4. – pp. 52 – 57. |
3 | participation in international scientific projects , involvement in international expertise , the title of “ international judge ” category “ | Member of software and the organizing committee of international scientific conferences 12 th international conference-on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals (CC2018) August 24 – 31, 2018, Wroclaw | Wojanow , Poland. Member of software and the organizing committee of international scientific conferences 11 th International Conference-on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystal (CC2018) August 18-24, 2016, Turku, Finland. |
4 | perform functions of scientific leader or responsible executor of scientific topics ( project ), or the chief editor / member of the editorial board of a scientific publication , included into the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine , or foreign of reviewed scientific publications | In 2018 , Yakub L.M. is responsible executor 3 – year 2018 roku in the project ” Scientific foundations of forecasting anomalous properties of nanostructured and energy intensive supercritical fluids “, which is performed by the expense of funds of the state budget . The term topic of 2016 – in 2018rr . are the head of the department theme ” Theoretical study of phase diagrams of solid methane and its derivatives in the field of high pressure ». |
5 | availability of published educational manuals / manuals for independent work of students and distance learning , synopsis of lectures / workshops / methodical instructions / recommendations in the total number of three titles | 1. Methodical instructions for practical classes in the discipline “Physical and chemical bases of environmental technologies” for the direction of preparation 6.040106 “Ecology, environmental protection and balanced use of nature” Methodical instructions Odessa: ONAKHT, 2015. – 29 p. 2. Lecture on the course “Processes and devices NATURAL security technologies” for students training direction 6.040106 “Ecology, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources” Multimedia Lecture Odessa: ONAFT, 2016 – 163s.163 3. Methodical instructions for course design in the discipline “Engineering Ecology” for students of the bachelor’s degree in the field of preparation 6.040106 “Ecology, environmental protection and balanced use of nature” Methodical instructions Odessa: ONAKHT, 2017. – 27 p. 27 |
6 | leadership of the student who won the prize at the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad, or work on the organizing committee / jury Ukrainian student competition | supervisor science student circle ” stud idzhennya physical and chemical properties of technologically important materials and nanomaterials in 2017 / 2018n.r. |
7 | presence of popular and / or consulting (advisory) and / or discussion papers on scientific or professional topics for tial number at least five publications | 1. 10th International Conference on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals », 31 – 7 September, 2014, Almaty , Kazakhstan. 2. 6 th International Conference-Physics of Liquid Matter – Modern Problems » ,, May 24 – 30, 2014. Kyiv, Ukraine . 3. 7th International Conference Physics of Liquid Matter: Modern Problems. Simple transitions of Phase fluids at extreme conditions, May 27-30, 2016 Kyiv, Ukraine 4. V 1 The International seminar “Tehnicheskoe and Technological Provision Using natural gas, and LNG CPG How эffektyvnыh эnerhonosyteley” Odessa, 7 – 10 June, 2016 g . 5. 11th International Conference on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals », 18-24 August, 2016, Turku, Finland. 6. 12 th International Conference-on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals », 24- 31 August, 2018, Wroclaw | Wojanow, Poland . |
8 | experience of practical work on specialty not less than five years | Lead research fellow ( by part ) in terms of term contract PLMS CT on topic MK №16 / 01 ( fund ) ” Scientific bases of forecasting anomalous properties of nanostructured and energy intensive supercritical fluids » |